Author Spotlight: Carlie Sorosiak

I've decided to start another new series on my blog called "Author Spotlight". I don't know how often I will do these posts as I don't want to set myself a time frame and force it. I'd rather write when I genuinely have a selection of books by a particular author to talk about.

This post will be all about the wonderful Carlie Sorosiak...

I thought I would start with Carlie Sorosiak because I recently devoured her book Always, Clementine in a single day. I was completely hooked by the cover and that adorable little mouse, so I ordered a copy immediately. How can you not fall in love with this little mouse?!

There is also an activity pack on the Nosy Crow website to go with Always, Clementine. Click here to access it.

I then visited a bookshop last week and spotted Carlie's name on the spine of a book on the shelf and had to pick it up. I, Cosmo was a book I had already heard a lot about but just hadn't gotten around to reading. I took this as a sign, knowing I'd just finished Always, Clementine and bought I, Cosmo

You may have noticed an animal theme in these two books - plus my cover image for this post. Carlie Sorosiak is a huge animal lover and it is one of the first things you learn about her when you visit her website:

These two children's books were not my first experience of reading Carlie's writing. I read and reviewed her YA novel, If Birds Fly Back, in 2017 through NetGalley. That was a beautiful story of love, connections and healing that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. It was just as lovely to jump into these children's books.

Carlie Sorosiak says on her website that she writes "mostly about the inner lives of animals" and has a beautiful American dingo as her "writing companion". I also love that she states her Polish surname is pronounced "Soar-ROSE-ee-ak". I'm guessing this is something she gets asked a lot!

As I mentioned, I adored Always, Clementine and read the entire book in one day. I also loved I, Cosmo and have now recommended it to my boyfriend as I always joke that he is basically a golden retriever in human form. Plus, with us both being teachers, we like to recommend books to each other that our classes might enjoy.

I still need to order My Life as a Cat, but I am most excited about Carlie's newest book, Shadow Fox, which is actually released today!

Shadow Fox is described as "a beautiful story of loss and belonging" and is told from the perspective of "a wild, affectionate, prickly fox". Here is the synopsis:

Bee's family runs a lakeside inn, offering rest and sustenance to weary travellers. Bee's Nan has gone missing, possibly drowned, but Bee knows that can't be true. And so does the hungry fox that her grandmother was feeding. Shadow is cross that her supply of salmon has dried up and is determined to do something about it. Soon both fox and child are on an adventure to find Nan, uncover what's happening to all the secret islands on the Great Lake and learn just how far magical powers can take you...

I cannot wait to read this one! Then I'll read My Life as a Cat to complete the animal collection!

Which of Carlie Sorosiak's books is your favourite?
If you have yet to read any, which one interests you most?

Which authors do you want to see a spotlight on?

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