Blog Tour: Chocolate Milk, X-Ray Specs and Me by Bethany Walker | Illustrator Q&A & Review

I'm very excited to be bringing you this post today as part of the blog tour for Chocolate Milk, X-Ray Specs and Me. As well as giving my my thoughts in a short review, I also have an exciting Q&A with the illustrator of the book.

But first, my review...

10-year-old Freddy Spicer writes letters to his parents – who he believes are working at a Brussels-sprouts farm in Outer Castonga, with no internet or phone access. In fact, Freddy’s parents are secret agents out of the country on a highly classified mission – but Freddy has NO IDEA! Throw in: Grandad’s X-Ray specs; A laser blaster that accidentally destroys the shed; A strange new neighbour flirting with grandad; and suspicious goings-on at school...

Let's get right to it: This book is described as "laugh-out-loud, high energy, fully-illustrated fun for young readers" and I certainly agree with that statement.

This book is a funny, unique and entertaining debut read from Bethany Walker. It was so enjoyable to read, I struggled to put it down and I have since put it into my "Box of Box" at school so the children I work with can read it too (once they are all properly back in school, of course!)

One of my favourite things about this book was the writing style and format. The entire book is written in the form of letters, newspaper clippings, postcards, etc. It just made the whole story more interesting and really added to the plot. I love it when you find a book that is told in a different way; it just makes a nice change sometimes.

The style of the book is also incredible because of the design and layout of these letters and postcards. The look of the little drawings and the random smudges on the pages really make it something special.

The story is amazing and this set up makes it even more enjoyable for the children who will read it, with short "chapters" that allow you to have good points to stop or illustrations that add to the story and can be discussed. I think this book will make a really good talking point for middle grade readers.

Overall, I think this is a great book for younger readers. They will find it fun to follow, entertaining and a different reading experience than the standard novel. I'd definitely recommend it!

Now, onto the Q&A with the illustrator of Chocolate Milk, X-Ray Specs and Me...

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Q&A with Jack Noels, illustrator of Chocolate Milk, X-Ray Specs & Me

1. Can you describe CHOCOLATE MILK, X-RAY SPECS & ME in ten words or less
Epistolary (that means written in letters, I think), zany, fun!

2. Do you like letter writing?
I haven't written as many letters in my life as I would have liked. I have always wanted a pen pal but my mum said that they would have to come and stay at our house and that seemed a bit too much. I like writing postcards the most. And when I do I use bubble writing and little pictures, just like Freddy in the book.

3. Who is your favourite character in the book to illustrate?
Harry Covair is pretty cool. He's a muscly, lantern-jawed hero-type character. I think he could have his own spin-off series! 

4. What are your top tips for aspiring illustrators?
1. Practice
2. Don't be afraid to copy 
3. Draw from life sometimes
4. Keep a sketchbook
5. Read lots
6. Brush your teeth
7. Keep practising

5. What books are you looking forward to reading in 2021?
I like funny books with lots of pictures (like CHOCOLATE MILK, X-RAY SPECS & ME!) I'm really looking forward to STICK BOY, by Paul Coomey. It's about a stick-boy who lives in a normal, 3D world. I've seen a bit of it and it is absolutely packed with jokes and arrows – and it's in colour too! I'm also keen to get my hands on the latest Sam Copeland (of Charlie Changes Into a Chicken fame) it's called Uma and the Answer to Absolutely Everything and as with Charlie it's illustrated by Sarah Horne. They're a great team!

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Thank you to Scholastic for allowing me to get involved with this book launch!

Don't forget to check out the rest of the stops on the blog tour!

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