Film Review: The Girl On The Train

This has been such a highly-anticipated film, and after reading the book I knew I had to see it! We went on Wednesday, on opening night, to see if it lived up to my expectations from the book.

First of all, the whole cast was perfect at portraying the characters. They really weren't too different from the way I pictured them whilst reading the book, except for the red-haired man on the train and Rachel's ex-husband, Tom (played by Justin Theroux), who I imagined slightly differently, but not drastically.

The three girls - Rachel, Anna and Megan - tell their stories throughout this film, so you get to piece it all together, just like if you read the book. If you've read the book, the majority of what you would want to see included is in the movie, but if you haven't read the book, don't worry, there's no spoilers here!

Two things that annoyed me a little were the fact that they changed the setting of the movie and that Luke Evans wasn't it in more. I know that's down to the book, but one scene I was really waiting to see him in was changed up and it wasn't as good as I imagined it to be, but still overall it was great.

The suspense (even though I knew the ending) was incredible. I sat next to a girl who I'd heard say to her friend that she hadn't read the book, and she screamed three times in the film, in pure horror. If you've already seen it or read the book, you can probably imagine which three scenes she screamed at!

I'd rate this film:

It lived up to my expectations, which doesn't normally happen when I've read the book first because I get cross about how different it is and how much has been missed out.

It will always annoy me that they felt the need to change the whole setting from London to New York. It made no difference, but why not keep it to the same setting as the book?! Strange.

If you've read the book, you should still go and see it to get a really great visual take on the events of the story. If you haven't read it, it will be a journey of twists, turns and surprises for you, so still get down to the cinema and see it!

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