Get Ready With Me: My Weekday Morning Routine

I've been asked a number of times how long it takes me to get ready in the morning, how much time is spent on my makeup, what I do for breakfast, etc. So, here is a quick rundown of a typical weekday morning for me when I'm getting ready to go to work...

06:45 - Wake up: Sometimes I get up half an hour earlier if I'm going to do a quick workout, but I prefer to do mine after work usually, unless I know I'm busy straight after work. But I set my alarm clock (yes, an actual old-style alarm clock) for half past six, but I also like to set an alarm on my phone. This is so I have an extra alarm to wake me up incase the other one fails and it's also placed away from my bedside table so I have to get up and out of bed to turn it off. That way I actually do get up at the time I plan to.

06:50 - Put the kettle on: I like to go straight downstairs and pop the kettle on, ready to make a cup of tea. Sometimes, if I'm feeling especially tired one morning, I'll go to my coffee machine instead. While I'm waiting for this I like to check my social media accounts on my phone (Twitter, Instagram and occasionally Facebook) and make myself some breakfast. I like to stick to quite a light breakfast during the week, normally just having some granola or fruit, but I also like to have a nice bowl of porridge when it starts to get a little bit colder. I'll eat my breakfast downstairs with some music on, or just checking my accounts still, but I usually take my drink with me when I go back upstairs after I've eaten.

07:05 - Wash time: The time I spend on this task depends on whether I need to wash and dry my hair. I take these ten minutes to shower (if I've tanned), wash my face, wash my hair over the side of the bath, whatever needs doing. Sometimes in the summer as well it's nice to have a quick, cool shower in the morning to start your day off.

07:15 - Makeup time: A This is the longest section of the morning, but it can vary s depending on what I'm doing. I can be ready in 10-15 minutes if I'm just doing very basic makeup, right up to the full half an hour if I'm doing a bit more. It varies on how I'm feeling and whether I have somewhere to be after work or not. Most of the time it only takes me 15-20 minutes but I thought I'd tell you the longest time it can take me if I need to.

07:45 - Dry and style my hair: This is a quick section for me because if I've just washed my hair all I do if finish it off with a hair dryer once it has mostly air-dried, or if I didn't wash my hair in the morning then I just spray a little heat protection spray through it and use the straighteners to neaten it up from where I've slept on it. I tend to watch YouTube videos or carry on looking through Instagram while I do this. My favourite YouTubers to watch in the mornings are Zoella and Casey Holmes, or I go through and like my favourite actors/singers/whoevers photographs on Instagram, such as Sebastian Stan (above).

07:55 - Get dressed: I usually have an idea of what I'm going to wear from the night before. I don't lay an outfit out the night before but I do always check my wardrobe the night before to make sure I have some options. This is the time that I also add my jewellery which is really minimal for work, just my ring

08:00 - Brush teeth and apply lipstick: I clean my teeth, use mouthwash and floss, and then I apply my lipstick. For a weekday, because I'm going to work, I usually choose something nude and natural or I go for a lip balm.

08:10 - Grab my belongings: I put my phone in my bag, get my keys and pick up my lunch bag and water bottle from the kitchen. I pop my phone and bottle into my bag, unless I'm listening to music on my way to work, in which case I grab my headphones and plug them into my phone so I'm ready to go.

08:20 - Leave for work: Pretty self-explanatory, this is the time I leave my house for work. It's shoes on and out the door.

I hope that seeing this layout of my typical morning was helpful. I plan on doing a weekend morning routine some time soon, as well as a nighttime routine.

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