Film Review: X-Men: Apocalypse

I can't believe I've had to wait so long for this film. By 'so long' I mean four days! X-Men: Apocalypse was released on Wednesday 18 May, and I've had to wait until today (Sunday) to see it! That's four days later than the release date for a Marvel movie and I've only just been!

I'll explain... Clay was due home late on Wednesday and had work to do so that day was out the window, Thursday night was also out of the question as Clay was home late again and he had to be up at 4am the next morning, and then Friday Clay was in France and wasn't home until really late. So basically it's Clay's fault that we didn't go.

I'm joking (although it kind of was his fault), I have my final university assignment due on Thursday 26 and I had to get on with it, meaning I had to sacrifice Marvel for my education. It was not a popular decision on my part, but it couldn't be helped.

However, I finished my 3000 word essay on children's literature on Saturday night and decided to treat myself to a trip to see it on Sunday morning!

I loved the story of this film. I feel like we're really seeing the characters develop into who they are in the original X-Men films. I don't like to give away too much as I don't like to spoil films for those who haven't seen it yet, but you can tell they're building characters for the most part and the action scenes come second, which are just as good!

There's also a great scene featuring Wolverine, but not for too long. But it's cool to see how he plays into it and how he meets some of the others for the first time. Sophie Turner, mainly known for her role as Sansa in Game of Thrones, was brilliant. She was the perfect actress to play a young Jean.

The cast, as usual, were brilliant. Jennifer Lawrence is an amazing Mystique and Quicksilver is by far my favourite. He's just perfect and my favourite scene in the whole film - by far - was his main one. I won't spoil it, but you'll know which one I mean when you see it.

Michael Fassbender was also incredible. The scenes with him and his wife and daughter are adorable and soul-destroying. I cried a little, but I'll let you find out why for yourselves.

Also, if you've a Marvel fan and you're wondering whether there is an end of credits scene, then I can confirm that their is, and in my view it's a really good one. So if you're interested in things like this, make sure you stay behind until the very end (the credits feel like they take forever with this film but stick with it!)

I would rate this movie:

It's Marvel. It's action-packed. There are moments of sadness and humour. It has Quicksilver. What's not to love? It's a brilliant movie, although make sure you've watched the last two before jumping in with this one as you'll need them to make sense of some things. It's just great and I would recommend it to anyone.

P.S. I've seen Captain America: Civil War six times now and I plan on going again on Thursday, the day that I am officially free from studying for the summer, but seven times is a little excessive! Oh well, I love it!

Will you be seeing this latest Marvel movie? Are you excited for the upcoming Marvel films? Are you as crazy as me when it comes to seeing films you love? Please let me know how many times you've seen Captain America: Civil War!

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