Film Review: In the Heart of the Sea

This is another film that I saw the trailer for and immediately knew that I had to see it. I'm a huge Chris Hemsworth fan, mainly because of Thor and the Avengers movies, so he kind of sold it to me. Also, when I realised that it was based around the tale of Moby Dick I wanted to see it even more.
As you know, with my reviews I don't like to give too much of the plot or story away because I think the cinema is a brilliant place, and I love the atmosphere and the anticipation of what will happen next.

However, having said that, if you decide to take a trip to the cinema in the next couple of weeks I would recommend that you should see pretty much anything else on offer! I hate to say it, but I was extremely disappointed.

It wasn't the worst film in the world, but I really wouldn't rush to watch this again. Chris Hemsworth was definitely the star of the movie, but there's only so much of a group of men sitting in row boats that I can take, and over an hour of it was way too much. I understand that this is the point of the story, to show how long they were out at sea and seeing their deterioration as they are stranded out in the ocean, but I didn't take that from it, sadly I just got a bit bored.

I feel terrible as I sit here writing this but I would hate to lie about my opinion of it and you go and spend £10 on a ticket just to be bored or disappointed in it - and me for saying it was good.

This review is not to say that other people won't enjoy it. Clay liked it more than I did but he could see where I was coming from.

I would rate this film:

If you go and see this movie do let me know what you think of it because I'm hoping there are some people out there who do love it, because it is such a good idea for a film.


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