Summer holiday 2024: Alcúdia, Mallorca

Cameron and I recently got back from a week away in Alcúdia on the island of Mallorca (Majorca to some). This blog is very much a book blog, especially after my post clearout, but I also want to scrapbook/document special occasions like this.

So, if you're interested, read on to see what our holiday was like and browse our photos.

Our flight was at 6am (it was delayed by 20 minutes but we ended up landing in Palma at the expected time still) so we were exhausted as well as excited.

When we got to the hotel, we were a bit too early to check in but luckily our room was ready anyway. We headed up to our room to unpack a few bits but we got ourselves ready to go down to the pool almost straight away. We found a little spot on the far side of the pool with a couple of sun loungers and finally started to relax. We were all-inclusive at an adults only hotel, which is bliss for two teachers on a break!

After a few hours of enjoying the pool, having a few Fanta Lemon drinks and a little swim, we headed back to our room to get ready for dinner. The main restaurant on-site is buffet style and there was so much on offer. You can see the food photos at the end of this post as I put them all together; the food deserved its own moment!

After dinner, we sat outside to enjoy the setting sun and had a few drinks. It was a very warm evening and we were incredibly tired so we didn't stay down there for very long. We were craving a really good night's sleep, having been up since 2am. 

The next day, feeling a little more refreshed, we enjoyed our first full day in Mallorca. I will tell you now that we didn't really leave the hotel except for a couple of evening walks on the beach and Cameron went to get a ball to play with in the pool. That might sound a bit lazy but, as I mentioned earlier, we are both teachers. We wanted a week of doing nothing!

The next day started with breakfast and games by the pool. We always picked a similar spot by the pool every day so that we were in the shade for the first bit of the morning. This time was spent playing games, reading or taking a poolside nap.

The hotel bar also did a daily mocktail/cocktail and we tried most of them. I think the only one I didn't try was banana flavour because I'm not a fan of banana-flavoured things. One of the best drinks they did was the 'tutti frutti', which is pictured below. I also enjoyed the 'blue lagoon' on the first day but unfortunately, I didn't get a photo of that one.

We spent the whole day next to the pool, except for about 40 minutes at lunch when we headed up to the buffet. We even had a second lunch by the pool when they brought out pizza at 3pm!

Not long before we planned to head up to get showered and ready for the evening, the entertainment team announced a game of water polo. Cameron was straight in the pool but I chose to watch and managed to catch the action shot below.

After dinner, we decided to take a walk down to the beach as it was only a ten-minute walk away from our hotel. It was such a lovely evening and we took some nice photos. A lovely couple also stopped and kindly took a photo of the two of us. It's nice to have a photo of us that isn't a selfie sometimes!

Then we headed back to have a few drinks at the hotel and enjoy some of the evening entertainment. Most evenings had singers as the evening entertainment but there was one night that really stood out (you'll see those photos later!)


There isn't much to say about the next few days as we essentially did: eat, read, eat, swim, eat, sleep. Every. Single. Day. And we loved it!

But I did want to show you a few photos we took of outfits and a few selfies. I felt like I was living my 90s dream in this purple dress. It's giving Lizzie McGuire vibes. 


I feel like Cameron's Zara shirt needs its own special moment (below) because, in my opinion, it screams "holiday".

Also, a little moment for the lemon meringue pie (below) because it was one of the best things ever!

On our penultimate night, there was the best evening entertainment: an ABBA tribute. This is what I'd hoped for when we booked the holiday. We both love ABBA and it's usually great for audiences getting involved and singing along... which is exactly what we did. Please enjoy our sweaty, post-dance selfie below!

Now, the food. I saved these photos until the end because it seemed best to put them together to summarise it as a whole.

We ate at the buffet restaurant every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, they do have an a la carte restaurant. You get one night at the a la carte restaurant per seven nights of an all-inclusive stay, but we enjoyed the buffet choice so much that we didn't end up trying the other restaurant.

As you can see from the photos below: I had multiple desserts most nights, we loved the daily mocktails/cocktails (you can also spy Cameron's water polo injury on his shoulder) and we really enjoyed the themed food nights.

We were really impressed with the variety and choice, as well as how many healthy options were on offer. We always had salad and veggies with every meal, which meant we could enjoy a second plate of the not-so-healthy items. We loved the different themed menus every day but there really was something for everyone.

I think our biggest obsession was the bread. They had so much fresh bread on offer every day, it was definitely a highlight.

We also both agreed that breakfast was the best meal of the day in the restaurant. Possibly the least healthy but definitely the best!

We had a fantastic time. I would definitely go back to the same hotel if we went to this area of Mallorca again.

If anyone is interested, it is the Bordoy Alcúdia Bay. We booked the whole package holiday through TUI. I've added a couple of photos of the hotel from their website below:

It really was a brilliant holiday. Just what we needed: good food, sunshine and time to relax together.

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