Book Review: The Little Gardener's Handbook by Michael Holland & Maria Dek

I think it's clear to see by now that I love a children's picture book. Not even because I'm a teacher and love to share them in school with the children - I just think picture books are one of the greatest things on this planet.

Usually, I will reach for a fictional picture book, often with some kind of moral or message, but today I am going to be reviewing a lovely non-fiction picture book all about gardening.

So, let's look at The Little Gardener's Handbook: A Beginner's Guide to Gardening...

Welcome to the wonderful world of gardening!

Whether you have a big garden or a small pot on a windowsill, you can still make the world a greener place. From growing sunflowers in welly boots to planting herbs in recycled tin cans, this inspiring book contains lots of fun, easy-to-follow activities for little gardeners to try themselves.

This book has been written by Michael Holland, who is an expert nature educator. He really captures the key parts of gardening that young readers will find interesting and he also suggests many great, rather simple activities for them to try. These activities are sure to get little gardeners going!

The book is broken down into four separate sections:

  • All about plants
  • Getting started...
  • Let's grow fruit and veg!
  • Let's grow plants!

These sections follow the stunningly illustrated introduction page, which I have added below:

How amazing are Maria Dek's illustrations! I have added another brilliant example of Dek's work below, on a page about soil from the 'All about Plants' section of the book:

There are so many incredible things I could say about this book. I have a few particular pages that are favourites of mine, so I thought I'd share my top five:

  • It starts with a seed: This page fantastically illustrates and explains the stages a seed takes to grow into a plant, which could definitely be used in the classroom
  • Tools at the ready: Even as an adult, there were some tools I didn't know the names of, so this is a brilliant way to introduce children to the useful items needed when tending to your garden
  • Garden foes: This was a great page to show how certain plants can attract animals that will eat your hard work and what you can do to protect your plants and deter hungry visitors
  • Make a pea teepee: This is something I can't wait to do when I have a garden! This page also has a clear step-by-step guide with pretty illustrations
  • Create a mini world: This is an activity that I'm tempted to try myself because I love a terrarium and it would be cool to be able to say you'd made it yourself

Overall, this is a phenomenal book that is sure to inspire a love of gardening in many young people. It's inspired me and I'm in my thirties! Unfortunately, I'm in an apartment so I do not have my own garden to work with yet, but I will when we next move as we will be looking for a house instead. For now, I will have to stick to my windowsill of little plant pots. We are both keen on moving mainly for the garden space! 

I am certain this inspiration to grow and create will extend to many to read this book. There are so many incredible activities to try out, all with straightforward instructions and surrounded by an abundance of interesting information.

Thank you to Readers First for sending me this wonderful book in exchange for a review. It is very much appreciated.

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