January-March Reading Wrap Up & TBR List

I did my first wrap up and TBR video on my YouTube channel this week. If you're not familiar with the world of BookTube then here is what you need to know:

  • A wrap up is usually a monthly video that BookTubers put on their YouTube channel, talking about the books they've read that month. I decided to do mine every three months because I only get the time to film and upload one video a week and I didn't want it to be too repetitive every month.
  • TBR stands for 'To Be Read', so a BookTuber may include a selection of TBR books that they want to try and read over the coming month - or in my case the next three months.

Here is my latest video, sharing all of the books I've read so far this year, the book that I'm currently reading and some that I want to try and read soon:

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