Film Review: Kong: Skull Island

Yes, it's finally here! I've been waiting for this movie for a long time. It also featured in my 'Films I'm excited for in 2017' post back in January. Not only was I excited for this film because it has one of my favourite actors, Tom Hiddleston, in it but the trailers have also been incredible.


So, to start with, the cast was amazing. Tom Hiddleston was great, as he is in everything he's in, Samuel L Jackson was his usual brilliant self, I loved Brie Larson's character, she balanced out the use of weapons with her camera, and John C. Reilly was hilarious yet  as a serious character.

I also have to give a special mention to the stunning cinematography in this movie. Larry Fong did an amazing job, it was honestly so beautiful to look at, the locations were spot on.

The plot was easy to follow but worked really well. It was full of action and the whole movie flew by. I could have easily watched more of it. Actually, while I'm on the topic of 'more', if you're interested in what's coming next with Kong then make sure you stay through the credits as there's an extra scene at the end. Or if you're just a fan of Tom Hiddleston (like me) then stay to the end as well. It's an extra minute of so.

The special effects were also incredible. I've watched interviews with the cast where they talk about how Kong wasn't really there (obviously!) and that they had to pick a tree or the horizon to stare at, but seeing Kong in the film was spectacular. No spoilers here, but the scene with the helicopters is great and there's also a scene with a giant octopus that was awesome. There are more but I don't want to tell you all of them.

I think it's pretty obvious to say that I loved this movie.

I gave this film:

Yes to the cast, the storyline, the visuals, the humour, the action and the film as a whole. I thought it was brilliant. I'm now very excited for what's coming next. Again, if you are interested, don't forget there's an ed-of-credits scene.

I will say, I have issues with the age rating (it's a 12A) as there were some rather graphic deaths and Samuel L Jackson's signature swearing, but I was fine with it. 

If you see this movie I'd love to know what you think of it.

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