Janay Brazier: WHSmith Zoella Book Club Video Review

I've finished all of the books from the second round of the WHSmith Zoella Book Club, with only one Twitter Takeover night left to go on Tuesday 31st, so I've uploaded a video to my YouTube channel reviewing them all.

I still have another blog post to come - either on 31st January or 1st February (depends how quick I can get it finished after the Twitter Takeover) - with my final four author interviews from the book club. This will include Patrick Ness, Sue Wallman, Paige Toon and Sophie Kinsella. You can view my first author interviews post here, where I put questions to Meredith Russo, Alex Bell, Gayle Forman, David Levithan and Rachel Cohn.

So, if you check out the video, give it a thumbs up if you like it (I won't be offended if you don't, I'm a newbie and I'm still trying to figure it all out!) and subscribe if you'd like to see more!

Thank you everyone with your support so far, lots of love to you all!

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