Get Ready With Me: My Weekend Morning Routine

After the amazing response to my Get Ready With Me: My Weekday Morning Routine a while back I thought I'd share my weekend morning routine. 

I meant to post this weeks ago but things were so busy that I didn't get the chance to put it up, but here it is.

Some people are probably thinking 'why do you need two different morning routines?' or 'who has a morning routine for the weekend?', but I like to keep things routined so that I don't waste my weekends and it's also to show the different things I do at the weekend and what I make more time for.

I don't stick to this completely every single weekend, this is just a rough guide of how I would spend a typical weekend. Also, the timings I've put on here are also a very rough guide because if I have more time then I'll do some of these things for a bit longer, or if I have somewhere to be some of these items will be cut out, so don't think that I'm that regimented in my morning as this makes out.

So, here is my typical weekend morning routine...

08:00 - Wake up: I try to get up earlier on a Saturday, I will normally have a bit more of a lay in on a Sunday if I don't have anywhere to be. It's nice to get some extra time in bed but I also don't like to feel like I've lost half of my weekend by sleeping in late. Also, it's easier to get up at the weekend for me when I know I can take a bit more time and not rush around for work.

08:10 - Make a coffee: The first thing I like to do is go downstairs and make myself a small coffee to start my day. I like my flavoured coffees at the weekend, for a treat. Lately, my drink of choice has been a chai latte, but I also like a vanilla or gingerbread latte.

08:20 - Bath and read a book: Now this step is only done if I have time because I always bath or shower in the evening, but sometimes I like to just relax in a bath with a few candles, catching up on YouTube videos or listening to some music (if you want a blog post for my bathtime music playlist, comment below). I also love to take some time to read a book in the bath. I don't know why, but I love reading in the bath with the sound of running water. It's just very relaxing and as reading is one of my favourite things to do, it just makes me feel happy and sets me up for the day.

08:50 - Skincare and haircare: My skincare and haircare routine is something I could probably do a whole separate post on too, but I wash, cleanse and moisturise my face and my hair depends on whether I've washed it or not.

09:00 - Breakfast: I struggle to eat as soon as I've woken up so I like to leave it a little while, have my coffee first and then eat. Usually it's something pretty boring, like a slice of toast, a bowl of porridge, or sometimes just an apple. However, if Clay is about and we have time we'll sometimes have pancakes. For our pancakes we like to use the Jamie Oliver one-cup recipe as it's super quick and easy, or if we have even more time we like Jamie's American-style fluffy pancakes.

09:15 - Hair and makeup: This is normally the part that takes the longest, especially if I have to dry my hair. During the weekend, I still like to keep it pretty simple, but I like to do a bit more than during the week as I don't get to wear as much at work. I'll also brush my teeth and put on my lipstick after that.

09:50 - My Happiness Planner: I also like to take ten minutes to sit and go through my Happiness Planner and fill it in for the day. You can look at the planners and buy them here.

10:00 - Get dressed and ready for the day: Finally I'll get dressed, depending on what I'm doing. If I'm going out somewhere then I'll get dressed properly, but if I'm going to be staying in or not going out until the afternoon then I like to put something comfier on until I need to get to change.

That's it! I have an evening routine coming soon as well, so if you like my routine posts then keep an eye out for that.

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