Film Review: The Light Between Oceans

I was a little late with getting to the cinema to see this as I thought this came out later in the month than it actually did. That's the last time I ask Clay to check to cinema times to see what new movies are out (because the answer was 'none', apparently!) So I went along to my local Cineworld this week to watch this movie with my Auntie, who hadn't heard of it but as soon as she saw the trailer she was pretty excited to see it.

So in we went with our eggnog lattes to watch this film based on a best-selling novel (thank goodness for the new Starbucks that just opened up in our cinema, and bless the person who let's Cineworld Unlimited card members get 10% off).


I couldn't wait for this film to come out, mainly because I adore Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender is brilliant. I loved him in Macbeth last year and she was brilliant in The Danish Girl earlier this year. Put two amazingly talented people together and you know you're going to get something brilliant from it!

For the first time in a very long time, I went to see a film based on a book without reading the book first. I know, I feel like I broke some kind of sacred code as I love to read the book first, but I have been so busy with other books that need to be read for the Zoella Book Club that I just haven't had the time. It is on my TBR (To Be Read) list and will be read very soon.

However, I didn't let that get me down and stepped into the screen ready to watch a film I was almost certain I would love. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. I adored it. 

The setting, the cast, the emotion, the story, the tension... I couldn't have asked for me in a film like this. A special mention to the little actress who played the young daughter as she was amazing. Fassbender and Vikander were spot on with their performances and I'm really hoping that they get recognised for their work on this movie. I felt so connected with them both at different times and in different ways, but right until the very end I wanted them to be alright. It's a hard concept to get your head around, with a married couple wanting to have a child and keeping a baby that gets swept towards their island in a boat, and then you find out about the child's real family. There's no spoilers here, but you want to support them even though they have obviously made the choice to keep someone elses baby. It's such a divided concept.

I would also like to mention two incredibly difficult scenes involving Alicia Vikander's character. When you watch it you will understand, as I obviously don't want to spoil it for those who don't know the full story, but she goes through a couple of tough scenes and really makes them prominent and memorable.

I'd rate this movie:

I think that score was pretty obvious considering how much I've rambled on about it, saying how good it is. Honestly, if you get the chance to go and see this film, please watch it. The cinematography is breathtaking, the acting is superb (I love them even more after this film) and the story is portrayed so well. I'll now have to read the book to compare it, but I'm sure it won't disappoint either.

1 comment

  1. I really enjoyed this film. Great review.
