My Monthly Favourites: August 2016

Here are my monthly favourites for August...

Maybelline matte liquid lipsticks are a new addition to the collection, and I've been liking matte lips a bit more recently. I've always thought they'd be really drying but I've found a few that really work, and this is one of them. I only had reds, pinks and corals up until I decided to buy one of the Maybelline ones, so I picked up the nude-brown colour called 'Nude Thrill'. It feels lovely and dries to a matte finish pretty quickly. I wore it out to dinner last week, had two courses and a drink, and I still had colour on my lips by the end of the meal. Buy it here.

This Boots own-brand tea tree foaming face wash is amazing. I don't get many spots but when I do they are normally the odd bigger one rather than a cluster of smaller ones. I decided to try these out when I saw them in store, on buy one get one free, so I picked up a toner as well. The toner is really good too, but this face wash has just given me wonderfully clear skin, I've had no breakouts since using it and my skin has been a lot smoother. I think it would be great for oily skin as it has really helped to mattify mine. Also, it's less than £4, so it's a real bargain too. Buy it here.

I love Yankee Candles and use their wax tarts a lot. I think the melting tarts give off the strongest scent and lately I've really loved using 'summer peach'. It's such a lovely summery scent, although I am desperately waiting for a time when it is appropriate to start burning my autumnal-scented tarts. This is just lovely and sweet, but not too sweet.

I have been playing All the Bright Places by Haley Jonay on repeat on my Spotify. I discovered it when reading the book All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven, and I can't believe how perfect the song is for this book. Haley said in an interview 'I bought All the Bright Places, went home, opened it up, and read it in one sitting. At this point, it was about 3am, and I was in tears. The story was so beautiful, complex, and eye-opening. I was overwhelmed with emotions. I was forever-changed. The novel sheds light on such an important issue and lets readers know that they're not alone.' You can read more quotes from that interview with Haley here and listen to Haley's amazing track on Spotify here.

Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher was the last book I had to read in the Zoella Book Club and I cannot explain how much I adored this book. The story was right up my street and was actually very similar to something that I started writing for my creative writing module for university, obviously before I read this. I tells the story of a young lady called Sophie, who works at a little teashop in the village of Rosefont. Sophie's world is turned upside down when a film crew come to the village and she catches the eye of the lead actor and heartthrob actor, Billy Buskin. I won't spoil the story for you because I'd recommend you actually read it. As soon as I finished it, I went straight out and bought the follow-up book, Always with Love. You can buy Billy and Me here, and if you're interested in the second book, you can buy Always with Love here. If you want both books, Tesco do them for 2 for £7 both online and in store.

On the subject of reading, I have been addicted to using GoodReads, mainly through the app on my phone. I have been able to keep track of books I've read, ones I'm currently reading and also make a list of ones I want to read in the future. Also, you can set yourself a reading challenge to complete during the year. I set myself 24 books, 2 a month, and I've already completed 20 out of 24. You can sign up for a GoodReads account here and add me as a friend here.

Everyone knows I'm a Marvel nut, and as I'm having Civil War withdrawal as I wait for the DVD to be released in September I've been re-watching some Marvel films to keep me going until I can get my hands on that movie. So, as I wait for that Captain America film I've been watching the previous two: The First Avenger and The Winter Soldier. You can buy The First Avenger here and The Winter Soldier here.

Wedding planning is in full swing! This is my wedding folder (on the right) with all of my paperwork and planning in it. I was thinking of maybe doing a post about the process of planning our wedding and how it's all coming together, as well as a couple of sneak-peeks but I haven't decided yet. But here is the folder which is keeping me organised and on track with it all. Being off work this month for the summer holidays meant that I had a lot of time to get ahead with the planning, payments and details. Not long now!

I love almost anything cinnamon flavoured, so when I went to IKEA a couple of weeks ago I had to buy the one item I get everytime I go: their bag of mini cinnamon rolls. I ate most of them on the journey home. They're just so lovely. I made my own full-sized cinnamon rolls a couple of years ago so I hope I can find the time to make them again this autumn.

My last favourite for the month of August is this beautiful bouquet of flowers that I received from a work colleague when I did her makeup for another colleague's wedding. It's the first time I've ever done someone else's makeup other than playing around with some products on my Mum. As a thank you she bought me these amazing flowers and I can't stop looking at them. I love having flowers in the house.

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