Film Review: Money Monster

I'm a bit late on the bad wagon with seeing this one, but I finally go around to seeing Money Monster at the end of last week, and then because it was my birthday this weekend I haven't had the chance to sit down and write up a review until now.

I will admit now that the night we went to the cinema I really wasn't in the mood for it, which never happens! I was tired and I had a headache, but when the film started I managed to immerse myself in the cinema experience and forget about how much my head was throbbing and how much I'd rather be in bed.

This is going to be a shorter review, because the film was shorter and set in real time so there wasn't too much jumping about over time. Again, as with all reviews, I won't spoil anything that happens in the films, but I will say that it's quite easy to follow so don't let the theme of money and stock markets be offputting.

Julia Roberts and George Clooney are great together, even though for the majority of the film she only interacts with him through a headset. I also love how George Clooney's character changes from the person he is on camera when filming his TV show to the guy he is in the end of the movie. For a ninety-minute film, he sure goes through a lot.

I liked the film, especially the actors and actresses starring in it, but I must admit that I didn't love it.

I would rate this film as:

It was a good film, it made me think and it had me on the edge of my seat a few times, but I just didn't love it. Maybe it was the headache or the tiredness, but I just didn't feel that it was anything special.

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