Film Review: London Has Fallen

I have been waiting for this film for so long! Yes, another one that I have been desperate to see. I was a huge fan of Olympus has Fallen and was so excited when it was first announced that they were making a sequel. It has been three years since the last movie so it's been a long time coming for this one.

I was disappointed that we couldn't make it on opening night, firstly because it was already fully booked out, and also we already had tickets to see something else (We went and saw Grimsby but I hated it so much that I won't even be writing a review of it, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone - unless anyone likes his past movies, in which case go ahead, but don't say I didn't warn you!)

Anyway, back to the movie...

The original cast were back, with Gerard Butler as part of the President's Secret Service, still played by Aaron Eckhart. Morgan Freeman is also back as the Vice-President. I loved the cast the first time around and I have to say that I loved them even more the second time.

The storyline followed well from the previous film, keeping it political and rather realistic. The President, along with lots of other world leaders, go to London to attend a funeral when the capital descends into chaos. The action is pretty much non-stop from about fifteen minutes in, which had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

I don't want to give away anymore of the film, but I would thoroughly recommend this film if you liked the previous one or any similar movies. I would give this a rating of:

There is lots of brilliant action and some great lines to make you laugh too, just enough to lighten the mood in a destructive film.

If you see this film I'd love to know what you think in the comments below or through Twitter.

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