I'm Watching: Game of Thrones

I know Season 5 finished almost two weeks ago now but it has taken all this time for me to write this piece without ranting about the ending (No  finale spoilers but seriously, watch it!) or crying because of what happened to my favourite character (If you've watched episode 10 you will know who that is, if you haven't then GO AND WATCH IT! I can't keep these feeling cooped up forever!)

I was rather emotional at the end of it as well. It just set me off straight away!
So if you are a GoT fan you will know what is going on, who's met who, who is dead, and what is going on with the main characters. I was excited to see what happened at The Wall this season with Jon Snow, the White Walkers, and the Wildlings. It is one of my favourite storylines because it will effect the whole of the story eventally, depending on what path the story takes.
Tyrion finally met Daenerys, which made me insanely happy as these two have been some of the best characters since day one. They're just brilliant to watch in any scene, so throwing them together was a great idea.
Arya's storyline is an odd one, which I kind of drifted out of at times but I must say her role in the last two episodes - especially the finale - was explosive and one of the most interesting!

I love that Drogon came back to Daenerys too! I have a feeling that the dragons are going to be very important in the next book, that George R R Martin is currently writing, and season 6 when it finally comes to it.
I won't let on my ideas as I don't want to give anything away to those who haven't yet finished watching the series as it kind of links in to part of it. But if anyone want to share their ideas, plot predictions, or share their feelings about that finale scene then feel free to Tweet me.

Are you a true GoT fan? Are you up to date with the series, and if so what did you think of it? What are you going to be doing to fill the void until next series? I think I'll be re-watching it from the beginning again!

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