I'm Reading: Where Rainbows End - Cecelia Ahern

I have finally started my 2015 reading challenge that I mentioned last month, by going back to a favourite of mine that I haven't read in about five years.

The category I chose to tick off was 'A book that became a movie'.

Where Rainbows End, by my all-time favourite author Cecelia Ahern, was released when I was only twelve, but I discovered it three years later after I'd seen my Mum reading PS, I Love You. I asked her about the book and she said it was one of the best books she had ever read. I borrowed it from her and after that emotional rollercoaster I was hooked on this amazing lady's writing.

This then led me to ask for her first five books for Christmas, when I was sixteen, which was when I first encountered Where Rainbows End in 2008.

I read the whole book within a few days. I just loved the whole layout of the book, using letters, emails, and other communications to tell this brilliant, hooking story.

Since then I have bought every single one of Cecelia's books (except for Girl in the Mirror because I can't seem to find it anywhere - the book website I use has said 'out of stock' for months, even though they keep telling me in emails that it will be in very soon!)

I read this novel a couple of years ago for a second time, because I finally had some spare time to go back over stories I had read before and it was just as amazing as I remembered it to be.

So, you can imagine how excited I was when I heard they were making Where Rainbows End into a film, retitled Love, Rosie! It's funny that I should write this today because the DVD actually comes out in stores here in the UK tomorrow. I know what I'll be buying after work!

I'm sure there will be other Cecelia Ahern books included in my reading challenge this year as there are a lot that I would love to read again. But back to this one...

This book was a brilliant read, even the third time around. I don't want to write too much about it because I don't want to spoil it for those of you who will want to read it now. But I will say that I highly recommend it, along with her other novels!

Now for the next category I'm going to complete: A mystery or thriller.

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